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Photo Credit:

Mel Schockner



All rights reserved. 

The pictures and poetry in this sight are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.  The pictures and poetry may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit.  Short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged.  Permission will be granted upon request.

West Texas Juniper on Mesquite Burl           H 18"

Photo by Mel Schockner

Like A Dove


O Holy Spirit
this child of God does pray,
�alight upon my aching heart
and comfort me today.�

And lo I find you�re not a dove,
an energy, or flame,
but an awesome living person,
sent in Jesus� name.

Sent to walk beside me,
as I travel on this earth,
to guide me into righteousness,
since the day of my new birth.

Your very strength and power,
working from within,
help me to will and do God�s pleasure,
and walk victorious over sin.

Please guide me now this moment,
to walk within this grace,
and turn my eyes from this dim world,
to gaze Jesus� face.

Copyright 2020 - J. Christopher White - All Rights Reserved