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Photo Credit:

Mel Schockner



All rights reserved. 

The pictures and poetry in this sight are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.  The pictures and poetry may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit.  Short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged.  Permission will be granted upon request.

West Texas juniper and black Mesquite - H 16" - 1996

Photo by Mel Schockner


Victory Tune

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A good example of Christian art in Chris' unique style.  These crosses can be done in much larger sizes and be free standing or wall hung.


An empty cross,

a risen King,

from death's dark womb

new life does spring;


for though the cross

did  slay the lamb,

death lost the fight

to the great I AM.


That once foreboding

fate that loomed,

was swallowed

in a victory tune,


that Jesus sang

with angels fair

in that sweet Easter

morning air,


"Come rise with Me

and live anew;

receive My Word

for I AM true.


Rise high and free

from death and sin;

repent, believe,

be born again."




Copyright 2020 - J. Christopher White - All Rights Reserved