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Photo Credit:

Mel Schockner



All rights reserved. 

The pictures and poetry in this sight are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.  The pictures and poetry may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit.  Short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged.  Permission will be granted upon request.

West Texas juniper - Wingspan 35"-1987


Our Wings His Gifts of Grace


This sculpture was designed to be wall hung.  This is a cropped shot of the piece to show the wood detail.  The full view  is is shown in Chris's book, Parables.




An eagle doesn't take the air

by trying not to fall,

but graciously pursues the task,

high above it all.


By using what's provided

he fullfills the law of lift,

pursues his food or builds a nest

on wings both strong and swift.


So how can we expect to see

a victory over sin,

if we go through life with eyes upon

the mortal ills within,


instead of fixing firmly

our eyes upon His face,

pursuing God through faith and trust,

our wings His gifts of grace.



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Copyright 2020 - J. Christopher White - All Rights Reserved