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West Texas Juniper 12" H, 11" W, 12" D
Photo by Mel Schockner 2005
Beloved |
Embraced by the
of an all consuming love,
knowing I am held,
as the bride of the King above.
I am cherished and beloved.
My love is solely sought,
by the Eternal Majesty
by who's shed blood I am bought.
A soul wretched and naked
rebellious and stained,
why would He seek me
what could be gained?
For the joy set before Him
He endured the painful cross,
Christ was humbled and spat on,
for this handful of dross.
Yet love sets the value
of the one He desires,
He sees me as priceless,
'though I'm covered in mire.
As arms of revelation
reach and embrace my soul,
arms of faith now cleave to
the One Who made me whole.
J Christopher White |