Two are made as one
knit by God's own hand,
God's graciousness and love revealed
in a woman and a man.
A country girl and city boy
realizing they are blessed
in the partner that God gave them,
God has given them the 'best'.
A tender heart and sounding board
giving strength and self-esteem,
two best friends relating,
make an awesome team.
An imprint of integrity
impressed upon her soul
blended with his love and loyalty
daily work to keep her whole.
The components of identity
o'er the years are so entwined,
that one can't 'be' without the other,
for as one they are defined.
A muscle grows by tearing
and when a heart is torn apart,
growth and comfort descend daily,
as Jesus fills the missing part.
Life is hidden in Christ Jesus,
remember 'two' is not the sum,
this world's best is but a shadow
of the fulfillment that's to come.
J. Christopher White
February 14, 2014