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Photo Credit:

Mel Schockner



All rights reserved. 

The pictures and poetry in this sight are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.  The pictures and poetry may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit.  Short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged.  Permission will be granted upon request.

Rippled West Texas Juniper on Black Mesquite       15"H,16" W, 8"D

photo by Mel Shockner


Eagles of the Underworld




In the absence of pretense,

free to do his thing,

glide through water, search for food,

whatever the day may bring.


No need to impress the others,

he�s not shackled by that cord,

his life is simply interacting

with his Creator and his Lord.


This world and all its wonder

are seen through his upturned eyes,

his focus on the game at hand,

not the "what ifs" and their lies.


When we yearn to be offended

so we can grouse and gripe,

we miss the joys of life,

as we exist on empty hype.


What will "they" think, can I say this,

these are millstones round the neck,

tied on by chords of fear and pride

life becomes a sunken wreck.


So what�s the key to living free?

Take God at His word,

submit to Him, then start to swim,

�though "they" label you absurd.


Copyright 2020 - J. Christopher White - All Rights Reserved