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Photo Credit:

Mel Schockner



All rights reserved. 

The pictures and poetry in this sight are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.  The pictures and poetry may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit.  Short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged.  Permission will be granted upon request.

West Texas juniper - H16"- Photo by Mel Schockner




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Held as someone precious

more precious than my dreams,

held by more than arms,

in a place of high esteem.


A vital source of pleasure

a means to give and share

my very self with someone

I know will really care.


The expression of a union

between two bodies, souls and hearts

continues to grow stronger,

though two greatly different parts.


The differences are major,

it takes two halves to make a whole,

one completed by the other,

as we each perform our role,


Of giving without measure

the things we most desire,

freely giving what's been given

keeps the flame of love afire.


" Let his left hand be under my head

and his right arm embrace me."

Song of Solomon 2:6

Copyright 2020 - J. Christopher White - All Rights Reserved