A lovely
form hides a broken heart
no more with child like trust,
for a heart that beats in a fallen world
must form a calloused crust.
that keeps out pain or any chance
of being hurt again,
but by guarding against enmity
it also keeps out friends.
There are hands that formed this very heart
while it beat within the womb
and will seek to own this broken heart
'til it lies still in the tomb.
So what proof is there that I can trust
someone with such demands?
The proof is evidence you see
by the nail scars in His hands.
Not just His hands, but His heart as well,
were pierced for you that day,
when He bore your sins, and in your place
died to make a way
to allow His love to enter,
when you trust this risen Lord,
so His love could heal your wounds and scars,
your childhood heart restore.