Upcoming 2011Classes:
February 7-11
Signal Mountain,
April 4-8
Loveland, CO
April 26-28
Ocean CIty, MD
June 6-10
Loveland, CO
Mid June / early July)
Sequim, WA
September 12-16
Franklin, IN
September 26-30
Loveland, CO
October 17-21
Signal Mountain, TN (Chattanooga)
October 31- November 4
Williamsburg, VA
Click here for more Information
and or to
December, 2010
It is that time of year again where we celebrate God's great gift to
us, His Son, Jesus. May He shine through all the times and
traditions of this Christmas season.
small letter is three-fold;
First, to stay in touch. |
Second, to inform those of you who are interested in learning to
create stylized wood sculptures of the times and places where I
will be teaching in 2011. I have posted a schedule on the
bottom left side of this page with complete information on the
classes page. |
Third, to let y'all see some of the pieces I have available for
sale on my website on the works
for sale page. I don't often have much inventory
available for immediate delivery. It is an even rarer occurrence
that I get my act together and place photos on the website, but
hey, it's Christmastime and miracles still happen.
please take a look at what is available, (the sculptures are shown on the right side of this page),
and in more detail on the works for sale
page and
also check out my works in progress
page, you never know, it just might help you shorten your Christmas
gift list.
is an update since the last newsletter.
Most of the major pieces I have done this year are in my
2011 Calendar. I had a
different variety of commissions this year, some of which were very
challenging others extremely challenging, yet all a good and
valuable experience. In addition to the sculpting, I have taught
three classes and learned much more. Thank-you to Farrell and Fern
Eaves (Signal Mountain, TN) and Bill Casto (Willliamsburg, VA) for
hosting my classes. And a special thank-you to my wife and daughter
for all their hard work in helping my Loveland class be so special.
To the students who took classes this year, 'thank you" for making
the effort to come, for your hard work, and willing spirits during
class. You all helped make this a great year!
Finally, thank you for your continued interest in me and my work, I
pray you all have a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
J. Christopher White |