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Juniper on Mesquite - H 16", W 40"
Photo by Mel Schockner
Rest Within The Running
Return to Treasures of The West
There is a rest within the running,
a place where worries cease,
an assurance of provision,
of strength and hope and peace.
It's not freedom from the conflict,
nor a path around the pain,
but the certainty of victory,
the grace to count it all as gain.
The Portal to this rest,
the means to enter in,
comes through God's gift of faith,
and repentance of our sin.
By fixing firm our eyes
on the One Who promises to give,
His Spirit and His grace
that enable us to live.
So, take Him at His word,
race down the path He'll show,
as you obey, He will impart,
that Rest you long to know.
J. Christopher White |